To help solve issues between parties we use a range of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options.

These may include:

  • mediation
  • conciliation
  • case appraisal.

Our dispute resolution service supports participants to reach agreement and resolve their issues without the need for court.

We encourage open discussion, honest negotiations, and cooperation to effectively resolve disputes. We can provide advice and recommendations to help parties achieve a mutual solution.

In cases where parties are unable to reach agreement, we provide advice and recommendations to the parties about how to solve their dispute based on the facts of our investigation.

Where a dispute continues to exist and/or if a party is not satisfied with the recommendations we have provided, either party can:

  • apply to the Land Court for a binding decision
  • contact Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development for advice on conferencing options
  • pursue private ADR at their own expense.

Last updated: 26 Nov 2024